“I don’t drink Coke, so I don’t want this. At that time, someone from my office grabbed the delivery so I had to take the issue up by phone to the store. Rewind to about a year ago when the same thing happened to me at another location. He apologized and advised me that the store had no more bottles of Sprite, so they substituted a Coca-Cola instead. When the delivery guy showed up, the order was missing the Sprite. I ordered a pizza, breadsticks and a 2-liter of Sprite. Yesterday, I ordered online from Dominos. I had a negative experience flip into a positive one by venting my frustration to an online form I expected to go nowhere. 8.13.09 11:15 AM EDT By Laura Northrup and beyond pizza tracker online feedback sprite dominos pizza delivery soda errorsĭo you ever wonder whether post-transaction customer satisfaction or feedback surveys get lost somewhere in the ether, and have no impact on the local branch of the company you’re dealing with? Thomas didn’t think that his feedback mattered all that much, but his local Domino’s surprised him with a nearly instant response to their Web feedback.